
3 Super Easy Welcome Flow Emails For Ecommerce with Copy & Design | Klaviyo

The welcome flow email series is the first and one of the main email flow automation any ecommerce brand aspires for.

It holds the utmost importance for any ecommerce brand as it’s the first mode of interaction with the audience as soon as they sign up for the list. 

Therefore it’s important to be very mindful of what to include in the welcome series flow as the agenda here is to get along with the new subscribers and persuade them to make their first purchase. 

Exact Welcome flow email automation that generated $100K in a month

What’s A Welcome Email?

A welcome email is simply the first mail your customer receives on signing up, and it should make them feel happy for signing up.

Customers get exposed to the brand personality for the first time on email.

The objective is to keep the same level.

Here, in this article we will discuss:

  1. Customer’s mind space while signing up for the subscribers list. 
  2. Business goals of ecommerce brand.
  3. Importance of communicating the brand’s personality.
  4. Welcome pop-up. 
  5. Number of emails to keep in the welcome flow series
  6. Breaking down each email of the welcome flow block-wise. 
  7. Welcome series subject lines & preview text.  

If you’re aspiring to generate 30% – 60% of revenue from email every single month in less than 45 days then book your free retention email plan here.

Customer’s Mind Space While Signing Up For The Subscriber’s List. 

When customers sign up for an ecommerce brand’s newsletter, their minds are often brimming with excitement and anticipation. 

They’re eager to unlock that coveted welcome coupon and take immediate action, whether it’s shopping, learning, or engaging more deeply with the brand. 

Some may feel a tad hesitant or entitled, hoping for something extra in return for their email.

But amidst this flurry of emotions and expectations, there’s a common thread – they want to hear from you. They’ve willingly shared their contact details because they genuinely want to stay connected. There are typically three types of subscribers: 

  • Those looking to expand their knowledge. 
  • Those seeking deals and offers as promised.
  • Those who want to feel appreciated for their trust.

Remember, they’ve already placed some trust in your brand. So, when crafting your welcome email series, keep it casual, friendly, and genuine to make them feel valued and eager to engage further.

Business Goals Of Ecommerce Brand

As a business you want customers to buy whatever you are selling.

Nobody buys for rational reasons, people buy for emotional reasons and then rationalize the decision.

There are 5 levels of customer awareness –

  1. Problem Unaware. Not even know there is a problem that exists.
  2. Solution Unaware. Know they have a problem but are still not aware of the possible solution.
  3. Product Unaware. Know they have a problem for which a solution exists. Not sure about the product.
  4. Your Product Unaware. Know multiple products are solving the problems but are not sure about buying you or your competition.
  5. Most aware. Confident about your product will solve their problem in the best possible manner.

Brand Personality 

Showcasing a brand’s personality in the welcome email series for an ecommerce brand is paramount in establishing a lasting connection with customers. 

These initial emails serve as the digital handshake between the brand and the consumer, setting the tone for the entire customer journey. 

By infusing these messages with the brand’s unique personality, values, and voice, it humanizes the interaction, making it more relatable and memorable. 

This personal touch helps foster trust, loyalty, and a sense of belonging, ultimately driving customer engagement and repeat purchases. 

Therefore a well-crafted welcome email series not only introduces the brand but also leaves a lasting impression that resonates with customers long after the initial click, making it an indispensable tool for ecommerce success.

Welcome Pop-Up 

Ever wondered why those little welcome pop-ups on ecommerce websites are such a big deal? Well, let’s spill the beans on their significance.

First off, the welcome pop-up is like the virtual front door of an online store, ushering you in with a warm greeting. 

It’s the digital equivalent of a friendly “Hello!” when you step into a physical store.

Now, here’s why it matters. This tiny pop-up packs a punch in building connections and boosting engagement. 

It’s not just about collecting emails; it’s about making visitors feel seen and valued. By offering exclusive discounts, updates, or freebies, it’s a win-win! 🥳

Shoppers get instant perks, and brands get a direct line to their customers, nurturing relationships that can lead to long-term loyalty. 🤝

So, next time you see that welcome pop-up, give it a friendly nod—it’s there to make your shopping experience even better! 


Number of emails to keep in the welcome flow series

Determining the number of emails to include in a welcome flow automation series and their time gaps is crucial for a successful email marketing strategy. 

Typically, a well-balanced welcome series consists of 3 to 5 emails spaced strategically. 

But according to me, 3 emails in the welcome series is more than enough for the new audience.

The initial email, sent immediately upon subscription confirmation, delivers a warm welcome and any promised incentives.

Follow-up emails can be timed at intervals of 2-3 days, allowing subscribers to digest content, explore products, and gradually become acquainted with your brand. 

This spacing prevents overwhelming the subscriber while maintaining engagement. 

Ultimately, the precise number and timing should align with your brand’s goals and the nature of your products or services, ensuring a seamless and valuable onboarding experience for your new subscribers.

Breaking down each email of the welcome flow block-wise

Next, I’ll break down all three emails block-wise for you to understand what to include in the welcome series. 

Email 1

The first email in a welcome flow series is the initial greeting to new subscribers. 

It’s a warm and engaging message that expresses gratitude for their interest. 

It often includes a personalized welcome, a brief introduction to the brand’s values, and any promised incentives like discounts or exclusive offers, setting a positive tone for the subscriber’s journey.

So, after working with 100+ ecommerce brands I came up with the template for the first email of the welcome flow automation series that generated 30% to 40% revenue in the first month.

Block NameCreative Brief(Direction for designers)CopyBlock Level Link
Header StripText{{Shipping Policy}} Free Shipping On All Orders – Shop Now {{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero BannerImageWELCOME TO THE{{Hero Banner Copy}}GET X% OffOn Your First OrderUse Code – {{Coupon Code For The Flow}}CTA – SHOP NOW{{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero TextText{{Hero copy 1-2 sentence welcome user}}Use {{Coupon Code For The Flow}} to save {{Offer For The Flow}} Off on your first purchase. 
Content Block 1USP{{USP Heading}}{{3 USPs with 15 words description}}USP #1USP #1 Description{{Link To Home Page}}
Content Block 2Category Block Large{{Category Range Heading}}{{4 Categories with 4-5 words description}}Category Name #1Category Name DescriptionCTA – Shop Category #1 NameLink – Category#1 LinkHeading – {{Link To Home Page}}Each Category – {{Link To Each Category}}
Footer{{Brand Footer}}


Email 2 

The second email in a welcome flow series is a follow-up designed to deepen the connection with subscribers and remind them of their welcome offer. 

It typically offers more insights into the brand’s products, shares quick brand USPs and encourages subscribers to explore further. 

You can follow my template for the second email:

Block NameCreative Brief(Direction for designers)CopyBlock Level Link
Header StripText{{Shipping Policy}} Free Shipping On All Orders – Shop Now {{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero BannerImage{{Hero Banner Copy}}GET X% OffOn Your First OrderUse Code – {{Coupon Code For The Flow}}CTA – SHOP NOW{{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero TextText{{Hero copy 1-2 sentence reminding about the offer with coupon code and asking them to get started with below range}}
Content Block 2Category Block Large{{4 Categories with 2 Products Each}}Category Name #1 On Banner With CTAProduct #1Product NameCTA – SHOP NOWProduct #2Product NameCTA – SHOP NOWEach Category – {{Link To Each Category}}Each Product – {{Link To Each Product}}
Content Block 1Small USP With Icon{{USP Block Heading}}{{3 USP Heading With Icon}}USP #1{{Link To Home Page}}
Footer{{Brand Footer}}


Email 3 

The third email in a welcome flow series is the final reminder of the welcome offer and focuses on creating urgency with an agenda of persuading the audience to make their first purchase. 

It often provides additional value through educational content, tips, or how-to guides related to the brand’s offerings along with customer reviews & testimonials.

This email reinforces the brand’s expertise and commitment to the subscriber’s needs, fostering engagement and trust.

Here’s my template for 3rd email: 

Block NameCreative Brief(Direction for designers)CopyBlock Level Link
Header StripText{{Shipping Policy}} Free Shipping On All Orders – Shop Now {{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero BannerImage{{Hero Banner Copy}}GET X% OffExpires Midnight TonightUse Code – {{Coupon Code For The Flow}}CTA – SHOP NOW{{Link To Home Page}}{{Link To Home Page}}
Hero TextText{{Hero copy 1-2 sentence reminding about the offer with coupon code expiring tonight and asking them see our reviews for assurance}}
Content Block 2Reviews Block{{Reviews Block Heading}}3 Reviews{{Reviewer Name}}5 Star Rating8-15 word reviews highlighting benefits.CTA – SHOP NOW{{Link To Home Page}}
Content Block 1Small USP With Icon{{Trending Block Heading}}{{4 Product Block}}Product ImageProduct NameCTA – SHOP NOWHeading – {{Home Page Link}}Product Block – {{Single Product Link}}
Content BlockSmall Banner Strip{{Content Block Heading}}{{Content Name – 4-5 words}}CTA – Learn More{{Content Page Link}}
Small Category Block{{Category Block Heading}}{{4 Categories}}Category NameCategory LinkHeading – {{Home Page Link}}Category Block – {{Single Category Link}}
Footer{{Brand Footer}}


Welcome series subject lines & preview text

Subject lines and preview text in a welcome email automation series play a crucial role in capturing subscribers’ attention and enticing them to open the email.

For example

First Email:

  • Subject Line: “Welcome Aboard! 🌟 Unwrap Your Exclusive 15% Discount!”
  • Preview Text: “Your journey with us begins now. Get ready for amazing savings!”

Second Email:

  • Subject Line: “Discover More with [Brand Name]: Tips, Trends & More!”
  • Preview Text: “Unlock the secrets to [Brand Name]’s world of possibilities.”

Third Email:

  • Subject Line: “15% off your first order ends tonight ⌛”
  • Preview Text: “Use your welcome coupon now.”

These subject lines are concise and friendly, and offer a glimpse of what subscribers can expect inside, while the preview text complements them by adding a teaser or a call to action. 

This combination encourages subscribers to open, engage, and explore further.


The welcome flow email series is an indispensable tool for ecommerce brands seeking to make a memorable first impression and build lasting relationships with their audience. 

This series serves as the digital handshake, creating a meaningful customer journey. 

With a carefully crafted sequence of emails as I’ve mentioned above in the article, brands can express gratitude, offer incentives, share valuable insights, and nurture trust.

Hence, if you follow all the above steps then I can guarantee you welcome email series will generate 30% to 40% of the revenue alone. 

Keep on optimizing and running AB tests to maximize your revenue further.


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